Friday, November 19, 2010

Three Things That Shocked Me Today

1) Peter King insinuating (item 2 in "10 Things") that the Patriots wiretap the opponent's locker room at Gillette Stadium. How is this not a bigger deal?
2) Andrew Brandt (last line) suggesting that this weekend's matchup between Brett Favre and the Packers might not be the last of its kind. I really enjoy Brandt's work, but I hope he's wrong about this one.
3) The fact those in charge of tomorrow's football game at Wrigley Field didn't take the brick wall into consideration until a day before kickoff. Sure, this is the first game on these hallowed grounds since 1938, but how can you tell me no one considered this before today?


Thanks for the link in today's Baseball Blogs Weigh In, Mike.